Sunday, January 31, 2010
Had to fit this in before January was absolutely, completely over. It’s been a busy month with a lot of article-writing, a whole lot of tatting, a bunch of spinning, and a fair amount of afghan construction.
Here’s at least one early sign of spring – some tatted peeps – these are in the February Tatting Times, which has already gone out to the first batch of subscribers. The blue one was the basic one; on the green one I added more of a tail – and the variegated one, which is actually quacking, definitely did not work in variegateds – it’s included as a sort of cautionary example.
The first batch of homelessness afghans already went to Detroit; I’m hoping to get more finished within the next week. It’s one of those every-evening-sit-down-and-work –away-at-it endeavors – a lot of crocheting and sewing with only small incremental changes for weeks at a time.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Eleven days into the project and I’ve got one afghan finished (folded, it’s the one underneath) and another begun (that’s the one with yellow, on top). It’s something to do while listening to books on tape in the evening; I seem to be able to advance it about six inches per evening. After I finish the yellow one, it will be time to put the pieces together for the ones made of rectangles. That takes a while too… It’s nice warm work for a cool evening BUT – I’d rather be tatting.
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