Sunday, April 5, 2020

Coronavirus doily part 7

As the doily expands, the rounds are getting a bit longer to make.  No fear, the end IS in sight.  For this round, you’ll be using the lock chain and two shuttles wound CTM, to allow you to change shuttles when one is getting used up faster than the other.  Everything on this round is tatted in multiples of five.  You’ll see the entire doily - thus far - and a close up in the photos.

&&& R: 5-5+ (see the four-picot chains of the round before?  Join into any second CH p, counting from the left) 5-5.
Lock CH 5 (one transferred half stitch and one un-transferred half stitch, five times)
Using whichever shuttle works best by the position it’s in,
          R: 5-5-5-5.
            R: 5-5-5-5
Lock CH 5
R: 5+ (to last R p of first R) 5+ (to next CH p) 5-5
Lock CH 5
R: 5+ (to middle R p, 3rd CH) 5-5-5.
Lock CH 5.
Repeat from &&& .  Notice the inner Rs are joined to the two middle picots of the CH from the last round.  You’ll skip the first and last picots on each CH, and those inner Rs are joined in pairs.  The outer Rs are all joined to each other.  A Ring joined by the side picots alternates between paired Rs, joined to the single Rs by their middle picots. 
You’ll tat around the whole round in this way, and it will take a while.  I think it took me at least six hours!

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