is another long round, made longer (for me) by a pause to sew 16 cloth masks,
15 of them donated to the hospital, one for me so I don't go out wearing a bandana like a 19th century bank robber; then finding a mistake I had to cut back
to… and also, as the doily gets larger,
everything is going to take longer anyway, right? For this one, you’ll need two shuttles wound
CTM. You’ll notice it’s not
finished. What you see here represents
at least 4 hours’ work, including fixing errors. At least, the ones I’ve noticed.
RW. CH: 5-5-5-5-5 (four picots). RW
a loop and begin mock ring: CH 5
Using ball thread shuttle, R: 10+ (to last
p of last R) 5+ (to p on CH of previous round, 14.
Continue CH: 5-5
Using ball thread shuttle, R: 14+ (to next p
on CH of previous round) 5-10
Finish mock R CH: 5
shuttle through dropped loop, close mock R, tie, RW.
5-5-5-5-5 (four picots). RW
12+ (to last p on last R off mock R) 9-3.
from •• around, joining last CH into base of first paired Rs. Tie, cut and sew in ends.
sewing-in of ends is important because you’re sparing yourself doing the whole
job later and the ends won’t get in your way as you move on to tat the next
round. In size 50 tatting cotton, this
round, when finished, will be a whopping 7 inches across. (this is me being ironic.)