This post will be short and hopefully sweet. Every year I design at least one new heart. This has been a difficult year for us all, so it seems it’s time for respair. Respair is a word I learned of only recently. Think of “despair” – which means a state of mind in which hope has been abandoned. Its opposite is a little-heard word known in the Middle Ages, respair, meaning to restore hope. Something certainly needed right now.
I tatted the pale pink and the solid burgundy hearts on the right. If you also need to tat this heart, wind two shuttles ctm. In size 20, you will not need a full shuttle of either thread, more like ¾ on a post shuttle. The heart begins with the clover at the bottom.
R: 5-5-3-7
R: 7+3-3-3-7
SR: 7+3/5-5 Do not RW before chaining
CH: 5-5-5+ (to free p on SR) 5+ (to 1st p on first R)5-5 / split CH: join to 2nd p this R and bridge back 5, TURN
CH: 5-5-5+ (to CH p) 5-5+ 5 / split CHL join to first p of first CH and bridge back 5-5
(first shoulder of heart) R: 5+ (to CH p) 5-3-7
(R: 7+4-4-7) TWICE
SR: 7+3 / 10 + (to CH p)
(second shoulder of heart) SR: 3-7/10+ (to CH p)
R: 7+4-4-7) TWICE
SR: 7+3/5+ (to CH p) 5
CH surround: (5-5+ around heart BUT once on each side where there’s a long skip between joins (see photo) CH: 7-7+ at cleft of heart, CH 7+ (into join between two split Rs and Ch below) 7.
I pray hope will be restored to all of us, soon.