Tuesday, January 1, 2013

You’re never prepared for snow. Cold, blowing, piling-up, coming-down-in-sheets old-fashioned blizzard-style – well, that’s what winter is supposed to be about, right? That was the woodpile a few days ago, already significantly reduced from September, but before I took a broom and snow-shovel to the question of how I'd get more wood indoors. And winter is at least partly why we gardened like crazy all summer, laid in supplies of everything we could run out of (of course, forgetting tea and oatmeal) made pots of soup and made sure there were plenty of wound shuttles, projects-in-progress… oh, excuse me, that’s me. All Bill really needed was his Kindle with the wireless connection so he could get his online edition of the New York Times, which he seems to read in entirety.
Diligent tatting, interspersed with some knitting brought the doily count up to five finished ones before 2012 ended…. A sixth was finished today. And two dishcloths, which I really like and are quick and fun to knit (the pattern can be found here) http://littlehouseinthesuburbs.com/2012/12/knitted-honeycomb-dishcloth-1.html
Six more to go – that’s doilies, not dishcloths – until I’ve got enough for the booklet… though I’m not sure how many will actually fit. I’ve got three more in progress, including a small one I began today. Ginny’s got one and Kathy’s got one. And there’s a good supply of books on tape for the repetitive parts. For the third year in a row, Bill was sick on New Year’s Eve. This year he shared a touch of flu with me too. We were probably the only people under nine who were asleep last night before 9:30. Despite missing a much-looked-forward-to party, a lot of sleep seems to have helped. As for New Year’s resolutions, I’m happy to report that I made only one last year – that of putting my house on a diet – and kept it. Not so you’d notice, but I do. I’m not saying what my resolutions are for this year – this year there are three – but this time next year we’ll know if I kept them too.

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